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Axis 6

Biological responses, acclimation, adaptation, Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB), functional biodiversity, metagenomics, morphodynamics, scenarios, population dynamics, habitat modelling.




Participating laboratories

Scientific context

Major disturbances of marine ecosystems affect biological traits and adaptive capacity of living organisms, physical habitats, distribution and dynamics of populations, and structure and functioning of communities. Within axis 6, we are proposing to develop an integrated understanding of the biological processes involved in the acclimation/adaptation of marine organisms to past - and ongoing - environmental changes, such as acidification, warming or hypoxia, as well as exposure to pathogens. Models of individual responses will be coupled to physical and habitat models to assess population changes and we will relate functional microbial and macrobiota biodiversity to environmental drivers.


Axis 6 will develop projects along the 3 following directions :

  • Towards an integrated understanding of the adaptive capacity of marine organisms in response to environmental changes.
  • Integrated modelling of individual responses, population dynamics and habitat changes.
  • Functional microbial and macrobiota biodiversity. 

Expected results

Interdisciplinary science will be emphasized through the coupling of models or through the building of global change scenarios relevant for habitat dynamics and population responses. Axis 6 will also link to the new axis 8 on Marine Social-Ecological System Management thanks to the knowledge gained in the physical and biological responses to environmental drivers. Through training and international networking, we will contribute to the capacity building of Labex partners with respect to omics, evolutionary marine ecology and biological modeling. On the basis of paleo-ecology and scenarios of future changes, we will document the trajectories of marine organisms in relation to pastand ongoing- environmental changes and build new dynamical models of ecosystem changes.

More information (downloads)

2012-2015 axis 6 roadmap

NEW : 2016-2019 axis 6 roadmap

Document Actions

See the axis 6 leaflet

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